Best TGA Mobility Scooters of 2023: Minimo vs Breeze S4 vs Zest Plus

Our top experts review the top 3 TGA Mobility scooters of 2023. TGA Mobility is leading provider of mobility scooter and have a range of scooters designed to meet various needs, from compact, transportable models to robust, all-terrain options. As we reflect on the past year, let’s explore the top 3 recommended TGA mobility scooters of 2023, focusing on their features, benefits, and what makes them stand out in the crowded mobility aid market.

1. TGA Minimo

Compact and Foldable: The TGA Minimo is a game-changer for those who prioritize portability without compromising on stability and performance. Its compact design and pioneering folding mechanism allow for easy storage and transportation, fitting into car boots with minimal effort. This scooter is perfect for users who travel frequently and require a reliable mobility solution on the go.

Features and Benefits:

  • Lightweight Design: Makes it easy to lift and carry.
  • Puncture-Proof Tyres: Offers peace of mind during travel.
  • Adjustable Tiller: Customisable to fit the user’s comfort needs.
  • Lithium Battery Option: Provides an excellent range and is airline-friendly, making it ideal for travellers.

The TGA Minimo combines convenience with performance, making it a top choice for users seeking a blend of mobility and simplicity.

2. TGA Breeze S4

Robust and All-Terrain: For those requiring a more rugged mobility solution, the TGA Breeze S4 stands out with its all-terrain capability and robust design. It is engineered for comfort and durability, featuring a powerful motor and a suspension system that can handle various terrains, from city pavements to country paths.

Features and Benefits:

  • All-Terrain Capability: Allows for a smooth ride across different surfaces.
  • Advanced Suspension System: Ensures comfort even on rough terrains.
  • Large Pneumatic Tyres: Enhance grip and stability.
  • Ergonomic Controls: Easy to use, even for individuals with limited dexterity.

The TGA Breeze S4 is the go-to choice for outdoor enthusiasts and anyone looking for a durable, high-performance mobility scooter that can navigate through challenging environments.

3. TGA Zest Plus

Versatile and Powerful: The TGA Zest Plus strikes a perfect balance between portability and power. It is designed for users who need a compact scooter without sacrificing performance. The Zest Plus offers a comfortable ride, impressive range, and is easy to disassemble for transportation.

Features and Benefits:

  • Good Range and Speed: Ideal for longer trips around town.
  • Easy Disassembly: Simplifies transportation and storage.
  • Comfortable Seating: With adjustable features for a personalized fit.
  • Powerful LED Lights: For safety and visibility in low-light conditions.

Whether it’s for daily use or special outings, the TGA Zest Plus is an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable, mid-range mobility scooter that offers a bit of everything.


A TGA Mobility Scooter offers something for everyone, whether you’re looking for portability, all-terrain capability, or a balance of power and convenience. The TGA Minimo, TGA Breeze S4, and TGA Zest Plus each stand out for their unique features and benefits, catering to a wide array of needs and preferences.

  • If you are looking for something lightweight and portable, then the TGA Minimo will be the perfect choice.
  • For better comfort and longer-range batteries, the transportable TGA Zest Plus is the ideal mobility scooter.
  • If you need to be driving on the road and need a mobility scooter to cope with slightly rougher terrain, then look no further than the TGA Breeze S4.

When choosing a mobility scooter, consider your primary needs, whether it’s travel-friendliness, the ability to navigate tough terrains, or a versatile option for everyday use.  See our blog post How to Choose the Perfect Mobility Scooter for guidance. 

With TGA Mobility, you’re sure to find a scooter that not only meets your needs but also enhances your quality of life.

You can view our range of second-hand TGA Mobility Scooters in our online shop.

Looking for advice?

If you are looking to buy a second-hand TGA Mobility Scooter, and would like further advice, please give us a call and one of our team will be happy to assist you.